Without a wheelchair, millions of disabled people in the developing world can’t leave their homes, go to school or to work. Many are left to lie on the floor. Many more die from preventable complications. Most live in poverty. It doesn’t have to be this way. Motivation’s wheelchairs and services are creating a fairer society where everyone has the freedom to live, love, work and play.
There are many, many wonderful stories on the Motivation website & footage from some of the people around the world supported by the Charity. If you have a minute, take a look the video below. Sunday's first ever go on his first ever wheelchair!!
Your donation is a powerful thing - it can be the start of a healthy and happy life for someone like Sunday...
How your donation can make a difference:
£12 could pay for a lifesaving pressure relief cushion
£27 could provide training for the parents of a child with cerebral palsy
£40 could help to pay for a ramp to make a school accessible
£98 could pay for a clip on tricycle – turning a wheelchair into a mode of transport
£140 could buy a wheelchair