I will be doing this for an amazing cause: the Snowflake School for children with Autism.
Living with autism can be tremendously difficult, and finding appropriate schooling can sometimes be a nightmare. That's why one of my closest friends, together with her dedicated team of trustees and staff, have put together this amazing school.
We can not help my friend or other parents at Snowflake school with the day-to-day difficulties they faces with her children, but we can certainly try to help her raise some of the money she needs to open a second school. There is a long waiting list of children who need the support and education that Snowflake can give them, so let's all do whatever we can to make this happen!
Please help us raise as much as possible!!
No donation will be deemed either too flashy or insignificant. Let's try and make this second school as much of a success as the first one is!