The Amos Bursary is a charity created to provide state educated, academically able young men of African and Carribean heritage with the scaffolding required to realise their greater potential. With the assistance of a network of professionals who volunteer their time and expertise, coupled with the many organisations that support us, the unanimous efforts of everyone involved in the Bursary means they are able to provide us with this truly, invaluable opportunity.
Studies suggest internantional work experience is becoming an increasingly pivotal derterminant of employability. Hence, the Amos Bursary annually facilitates a work experience opportunity abroad for 10 lucky Bursary boys.
Now into my third year as a student on the Bursary, I have been forunate enough to be granted the opportunity to have an overseas internship with Adjaye Associates, a world-renowned architectural firm in New York this summer. It is a multi-faceted opportunity of great personal significance. Primarily, it is a chance to experience this opprotunity of a lifetime, thus giving me a competitive edge - in terms of employability, for which I am wholly grateful. Furthermore, it will also be my first time in the US - providing me with a greater social-cultural understanding of this great melting-pot of a nation.