Tens of thousands of children in the region have lost either one or both their parents. Many of them roam the streets of Hargeisa begging for food and money and have no home they can go to. Hargeisa Orphanage Centre keeps these children off the streets away from possible harm. Thus, it needs all the help it can get.
The Orphanage is overcrowded with newly born infants and more are being brought in every month. There are only two women caring for 15 infants or more and the supplies are just not enough.
That's why every pound you donate will go towards;
- Providing each orphan child with nutritious food, clothing and medical care
- Providing infants with baby supplies.
- Providing infants with more care by hiring another nanny.
These children grow up on the generosity of others because they only have us to support them. So please donate and make that small difference.