For 25 years Deafblind Scotland has been supporting those who have a severe loss of both their sight and hearing. Deafblindness is a disability of a different order, often described as the loneliest condition imaginable. Can you picture not being able to see or hear your loved ones?
We seek to improve the quality of life for this uniquely disadvantaged group of people and help them to remain equal citizens in society.
It has taken 25 years of hard work to get to where the charity is today. The charity's Guide/Communicator service offers deafblind individuals highly skilled professionals who act as their eyes and ears, supporting in everyday tasks such as communication, mobility and the intake of information. Our information, welfare support, training and countless other activities remain as vital to deafblind people as they did a quarter of a century ago.
We have supported deafblind people to carry out their profession, volunteer, meet others, interact with those closest to them, climb mountains and trek glacier-covered countries.
Donate to our Sterling Silver Appeal and help us reach those deafblind persons who remain unaware of the support and advice available to them through Deafblind Scotland.
For more information visit, @dbscotland #shareyoursilver or Facebook "Deafblind Scotland - DBS".
Thank you.