to Donate to this marvellous charity please click on thr pic and press donate. the rest is self explanatory. remember to click yes to gift aid too please. thanking all you kind people in advance. every penny counts xx
please help me raise money forHeadway Portsmouth and South East Hampshire every penny counts xx
another plea for donations. even if it's £1 or the price of a pint, please help me raise £1,000 for people suffering brain injury. many thanks xx
still hoping to get to £1000 please help if you can and please click gift aid. thank you xxx
Headway provide support to people with head injury/acquired brain injury, their family, carers and interested professionals. Their services include:
Information, support and advice. Signposting. Information on brain injury. Free national helpline 0808 800 2244. A range of structured support programmes. Social groups & activities. Regular meetings for carers. E-updates on their website, Facebook &Twitter. Lobbying for improved services locally for people with brain injury. Raising awareness of the effects of brain injury on the person and the family, helping re-integration in the community and much more..... uk