<p>Thank you for visiting our JustGiving Site!</p>
<p>Our intrepid team of Bowleven staff are breaking in the hiking boots to take on the Trek24 Scottish Challenge of walking 54 miles within 24 hours in aid of Sense Scotland, a charity which has been supporting deafblind and disabled people and their families throughout for 27 years - <a href="http://www.sensescotland.org.uk/">http://www.sensescotland.org.uk/</a></p>
<p>The trek, taking part on May 19th-20th from Aberfoyle along parts of the West Highland Way, Rob Roy Way and through Queen Elizabeth Forest Park is going to be a tough physical and mental challenge and we're going to appreciate all the support and motivation that your donations will provide us with.</p>
<p>Our walking and support team consists of Tom Newell, Richard Hodgkinson, Hannah Suttill, Emma Clifford, Deborah Kaye and Andy Imrie.</p>
<p>Please dig (geologically) deep, donate now and a massive thank you from all of us!</p>