"Don't gobblefunk around with words." ~ The BFG
Hello, lovely human beans!
Twenty-four feet is puddlenuts in Giant Country, but we is climbing three whole mountains and having interesting babblement along the way. We is hoping us climbers won't be making whizzpoppers all the time! The matter with you human beans is that you is absolutely refusing to believe in anything unless you is actually seeing it right in front of your own schnozzles. So we is raising monies so we can gives you all a FREE "City of the Unexpected" which be happenings on 17 & 18 September. You can be expectings all sorts of scrummdiddlyumptious happenings in Cardiff. But we can't be telling you too much. You is getting nosier than a parker!
If you is sponsoring these titchy little snapper-whippers, we is doubling your donations from some other lovely human beans too. That is music in our ears!
So don't squiff-squizzle around and please be sponsorings all you can. We is in Dream Country. This is where all dreams is beginning.