Be part of the story. Help us drill a well in South Sudan.
If you continue on the marrum road away from the county offices, you emerge from the market town into a swamp that stretches to the horizon. An eclectic array of birds add movement to the lily covered, water filled scene. If you continue for an hour along this thin line through the swamp, you eventually reach a small collection of grass-roofed shops and a small market supplying sweet tea. While the marrum road continues to the north, there is a small track that leads off through the market and on into the villages and swamps ahead to the west. It is this small track, often lost beneath floodwaters, that starts the journey to the village of Dablual and to the richest cattle pastures in the area.
Lavishly fed on rich milk and entertained by the excitement of the gathered cattle, childhood in these remote villages and cattle camps can seem heavenly. Yet, children here have had no access to school.
In July 2014, Lɔng Lieth School opened. It is based in Dablual with three other cattle camp classrooms. Nearly two hundred pupils now attend, including small children, mums and cattle-keeping youth. Yet, near the school, the only water to drink is swamp water. People are often sick. A drilled well with safe drinking water is a massive prayer.
If we can raise the money, a drilling rig is available early in 2014. So, please help.