Thanks for taking the time to visit my page set up in 2012 to purchase 36 bicycles in Zambia. Well we did it! THANKYOU SO MUCH! I returned in 2013, collected the bikes which were made in Lusaka and delivered them to the remote St Francis Hospital in Katete, Zambia. My employer, NHS Borders, is twinned with them. It is a hospital about the same size as the Borders General Hospital (BGH), serving a population about 15 times greater with a tenth of the staff. Life is pretty desperate for many Zambians. Consider the following:
• After 51 years of age most Zambians are living on borrowed time – HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria are major killers
• St Francis Hospital sees over 1600 cases of TB each year: the BGH sees less than 10
• The average household income is £95 per month
• Unemployment stands at 50%
• Only 1 in 5 of the local population have access to safe water
• Only 1 in 5 have electricity in their home
Bicycles are helping a fantastic and dedicated group of TB volunteer workers (I have met many of them) get out to remote rural areas. They walk miles each day to ensure patients get their medication daily, check on the health of patients and their families, as well as educate community groups about TB. The bikes all have been given individual names (one of the books of the bible) and sometimes act as taxis by enabling them to bring patients into the hospital when needed. They make all the difference to TB control in a country ravaged by the disease.
You have made such a difference! Thank you so much. In addition to the bikes each of the 36 volunteers were given a printed tee shirt. We need a little more funding to stage a workshop in 2016 and run repair sessions.
Want to learn more of our next project to improve the water supply to the hospital compound? See