Your generosity today is the change of tomorrow
We’re on a mission to help people change the world – one donation at a time.
It’s completely free to set up a JustGiving page and we don’t charge any kind of fees to use our website. That means we rely on wonderful people like you to help us continue doing what we do.
We give you the option to make a voluntary contribution to ensure that we can keep delivering an excellent service. Every contribution, big or small is valuable to us. We’re beyond grateful for your support, and we won’t ever take that for granted.
We’ve been around since 2000, paving the way for online fundraising in the UK.
We’ve helped raised over £5 billion for good causes in 196 countries all over the world.
We’ve helped over 6.5 million people raise money for the charities and good causes they care about.
The choice is yours
It’s entirely up to you. Just know that if you choose to make a voluntary contribution you’re helping towards:
Top notch service
Our team is hard at work 24/7 making sure people in 196 countries can use our website whenever they need it. -
Making it easy
Raising money for good causes should never be difficult. That’s why we send weekly payments to charities. We do all the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. -
Staying ahead of the game
We never stop looking for new ways to make donating online easier. With payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay and Pay with Bank Transfer, we’ve got you covered. -
Safe and secure
We’re serious about your data. So you can trust that when you make a donation, your information is entirely safe.