After successfully completing the purchase we have started our journey to transformthis huge building into a community centre. Currently we are offering Dailyprayer facilities alongside Friday prayers and Arabic teaching for all (boys, girls, men & women).
Weekly congregations take place in which speakerseducate the delegates on basic and essential teachings of Islam to promote love,peace and harmony and encourage them to strive for self rectification. In the years to come, when the building will be functioning at its fullcapacity, we believe that on average approximately 1,100 people will benefitfrom this building on daily basis.Your money will be well spent and well used. Please feel free to visit out siteand we will be more than happy to give you a guided tour. As you can see, wecannot make our dreams come true without your financial support. Please give generously to this worthy cause.
For more details about our future plans please visit