The ExtraCare Charitable Trust currently operates 14 retirement villages and 17 smaller housing schemes, providing homes for over 4,500 people across the Midlands and the North of England.
Irrespective of frailty or financial means the Charity enables older people to enjoy a healthier, active and more independent lifestyle and has pioneered an integrated approach to housing, care and support.
ExtraCare has teamed up with the Coventry Building Society to raise funds and provide volunteering opportunities for four ExtraCare locations in the Coventry area, Earlsdon Park, Willowbrook, Humber Court and Princethorpe Court.
Staff from the Coventry Building Society and ExtraCare will be abseiling down a ten story high wall at Earlsdon Park on November 4th 2016, in support of older Coventrians, living with ExtraCare.
We very much welcome the opportunity of working with the Coventry Building Society and look forward to an exciting, fruitful, and above all else safe, campaign. Good Luck Everyone!