One in nine people around the world will go to bed hungry tonight.
The majority of these people, like the families Find Your Feet work with, live in very remote areas of Asia and Africa, without the means or opportunity to speak out and change their situation for the better.We launched the Curry for Change campaign to help families like this to grow enough food so they don’t go hungry, to strengthen their voice so they can speak out against injustice and to earn enough money so they can find their feet.
Last year our supporters and campaign partner Natco Foods helped to raise £63,118 - enough to change the lives of 2,529 people suffering from hunger. This year we want to reach even more people and we need your help.
Every penny raised will be doubled by Natco Foods until Dec 31st 2016!
Sign up for your event pack and free Natco Spices to help you host a dinner with a difference at