All donations made to UHNM Charity go towards improving the care and experience of people who use the services of UHNM hospitals.
We purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment such as cooling mattresses for our neonatal unit which we know save the lives of numerous tiny babies who have been treated on them.
We also purchased the surgical robot which improves the outcomes of men undergoing prostate cancer surgery and in the future will be used for many other surgical operations.
The charity also buys items which improves the experience our patients have such as comfortable chairs, artwork and entertainment systems.
We fund additional training for our staff so that they have the very best and most up-to-date skills to be able to care for our patients.
We also puts lots of money into research at the Trust. The research work done with charitable funds ensures that new and improved treatments are always being developed by our staff for our patients and others across the country and world.