West Papua, Indonesia, is a land in crisis: it is one of the poorest places in the world, and it is being ravaged by change. With around 70% of indigenous Papuans unable to read or write, most are ill equipped for the challenges they now face.
Since Papua Partners began back in 2006, with the aim of helping people to help themselves out of poverty, we estimate we have impacted the lives of 100,000 Papuans.
We work with local organisations, communities, churches and individuals, through training, facilitation and mentoring. Our ongoing programmes encompass child and adult education, health and HIV/AIDs awareness, community and church mobilisation (empowering communities to address local issues), finance management, and small business training amongst many other positive initiatives, designed to improve livelihoods in a sustainable and self perpetuating way.
Please donate today, and support us as we embark on a new phase of work reaching over 100,000 more people in the next 5 years.