Hi ! We are a group of young people who represent the National Citizen Service on a mission to banish the stigmas surrounding those with disabilities.
Through our time with St Joseph's Pastoral Centre, we have learnt the stories of many adults living with disabilities today. They told us that the centre allows them to have more independence, and that they love going there as together they have shared similar experiences and can understand each other when many people can't relate to them.
By donating, you are continue to use this wonderful opportunity.
For this charity, we will also Walk the World.
Walk the world’ challenges every NCS participant taking part on the programme in your area to a combined mission of walking the distance of the equator.
By each walking 10km and completing all the tasks collectively the participants will achieve this!
This is no easy task; the circumference of the Earth is just over 40,000 km so every step is important.