In the month of Ramadhan, we often put aside our daily comforts of food and drink in order to obey the order of Allah (s.w.t.) and get closer to him. One of the benefits and purposes of the fast is to identify with and experience the hunger and thirst of millions of humans across the globe who struggle to find a meal throughout the year, let alone in Ramadhan.
The Lady Fatemah Trust ( felt that with many of us giving up our daily coffee for the holy month we could use the cost of one coffee to help our brothers and sisters around the world to improve their lives via providing them with an iftar, providing microfinance aid or helping to improve their daily lives going forward.
Please open your hearts this month to donate what you can, but as a guide the following options can be considered:
One coffee: £2.50
+ will provide basic iftar to a family for one day -
remember The Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh): "whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of a fasting person, with no reduction in reward"
One month of coffees: £75
+ will provide a family with iftar for the whole of Ramadhan (
+ will provide three people with the gift of sight via cataract operations (
+ will sponsor two orphans for a month (
+ will provide 6 students in Ethiopia with a "solar backpack" allowing them to study into the night (
You can of course add to your coffee donations by donating the cost of your daily breakfast and lunch for the month of Ramadhan.
Whatever we can do in this month will be multiplied many fold by Allah (s.w.t).
In keeping with the ethos of the Lady Fatemah Trust every penny donated will go directly to the Trust with 100% going to charitable causes.