A Life Saving Social Enterprise
Fundraising for Feedback Trust
Fundraising for Feedback Trust
Fresh2o - Water for Life is a Social Enterprise founded by Oscar award-winning photographer Candice. Her iconic and innovative underwater images of celebrities such as Keira Knightley, Sir Nick Faldo and Lily Cole have highlighted the global water crisis that is killing over 4,000 children each day and leaving over 2.6 billion impoverished people without fresh water.
PLEASE DONATE NOW.... and work with us to give a "Hand-up" not a "Hand-out"
Invest In Community Wells In Madagascar and HELP PEOPLE TO HELP THEMSELVES
Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world and gets very little help and as a result poverty has increased and deepened substantially over the last two and a half decades
By funding a Well, not only does this give clean water and saves lives, but it helps people get an education, work and sustainable incomes.
· It reduces the amount of time wasted on fetching water and on treating sickness
· Having more time and more energy means that children can study better and adults can work more... whether in farming, sales or teaching, it produces markedly improved results
· Improved results lead to increased incomes and the ability to start making savings and investments for the future. For example, the potential to open an account with a micro-credit institution which also gives access to loans
· People might invest in their children's education or in expanding business
· Better financial security gives peace of mind and well-being, and leads to improved living conditions too
Name of villages: |
Androtra Tanimenalava Ambohibory Ambalatambina Ambatolahikalamainty Andranomena |
Location: |
Fatakanina neighbourhood, Rural municipality of Andrainjato Est, Lalangina district, Haute Matsiatra region, Madagascar. |
Map: |
No of boreholes / hand-pumps to install: |
7 (1 per village other than Andranomena which requires 2) |
No of people to benefit: |
2,142 |
Community contributions: |
They are ready to pay the 125,000 Ariary (roughly £40) per Well and contribute labour during the work. |
How it will help them:
Reduced disease, particularly bilharzias & diarrhoeal disease. Children are the most affected by this. Improved education; better exam results thanks to better health & hygiene, & children who are more concentrated on lessons & homework (reduced tiredness from not having to fetch water far). Increased income; fewer sick days & less time fetching water mean more productive working days. Increased village solidarity through working together as part of a water management committee. |
Current water source: |
These communities fetch water from traditional springs and ponds, open to contamination. Many of their springs have dried up over the years. |
Testimonies: |
Ravao " We are sick of fetching water in the river and in contaminated springs. Our children regularly fall ill from drinking river water. We are in the rainy season now when sickness is at its peak. Sixteen children have recently been taken ill, as well as some adults."
Ravao lives in the lower part of Androtra village. She fetches water from this contaminated 'spring', and has to filter water though a sock traditionally used to prepare coffee. |
Rasoa, Mino & Faly " We have to wake up early everyday to fetch water. We get tired & often fall asleep in lessons. It would be great to have clean water in the village." |
Fetching water is very time-consuming and can be dangerous for young women going alone. |
Angela fetches water in another "spring", open to contamination, used by about a third of the village population. The Androtra Primary School (above). |
This project should be completed within 3 months giving Water For Life to over 2142 people
1- RANDRIAMIANDRISOA Abel Chrystophin, nickname “Abel”
Abel is 41 years old, married and with 7 children (2 girls and 5 boys, the oldest of which is 19 and the youngest 6), all of which are at school. He has worked as a well-driller with FBM/NT since 2008. Before being trained in well-drilling, he used to be a builder as well as a community health educator. He’s very happy to have mastered this technique of well-drilling.
2- RANDRIANIRINA Hajarison Joseph Odon, nickname “Haja”
Haja is 27 years old and single. He has worked as a well-driller with FBM/NT since 2009. Before, he was a teacher paid by the parents’ association. As well as now mastering the technique of well-drilling, this work has also helped him to improve his communication and reporting skills.
3- RANDRIANANTENAINA Joseph, nickname “Randriana”
Randiana is 40 years old, married and with 3 children (2 girls and 1 boy), the oldest of which is 15 and the youngest 7. He has worked as a well-driller with FBM/NT since 2009. Before, he worked as a builder with a construction company. As well as the technical know-how he has acquired, he feels he has also developed personally though this work – is more serious, a better communicator and no longer shy. He can now hold village meetings, raise awareness on building latrines, on waste disposal, on hygiene and on environmental protection.
These three well-drillers are also accompanied by two local village maintenance technicians, who were identified in advance and are trained-up as they work alongside the drilling team. These men will be responsible for ensuring the maintenance and upkeep of the boreholes in the future, and their work will be supervised by the water committee.
The FBM/NT field agents:
ANDRIANANTOANDRO Onintsoanirina Noëlla (“Noëlla”)
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