Our top tips for your page


A JustGiving page allows you to remember someone and collect donations for a charity you care about.

Start fundraising

Writing your story

Write about their life and personalise your page by including videos and photos too.

Sharing your page

The best ways to share your page.

At a memorial

If you’re asking for donations in lieu of flowers, you could use a QR code for any printed material.

Your family and friends will scan the code and be taken directly to your JustGiving page to donate.

Find out more here.

Use social

There are lots of ways you can share over social media. Find out how here.

If you’re not ready to post about it publicly, there are other ways to send a personal message via email or WhatsApp.

With the community

If the person you are raising money on behalf of was part of a club or local community why not create a poster for your fundraising page to let people know they can contribute.

Include a QR code so it is easy for people to find the link to your fundraising page.

Find out more here.

Event fundraising

Take part in an event or organise your own.

Take part in an event

Lots of people take part in events to raise money for a charity in memory of their loved one. So if you’re training for a big event, or looking to get inspired, we’ve got you covered.


Find out more

Organise your own event

An event to remember someone whilst raising money for costs or for a charity is a lovely way to remember someone and talk. Cake sales, pub quizzes, coffee mornings or dinners are a lovely way to bring people together.


Find out more