<p>Our little baby girl was born on Tuesday 14th Feb at 9.25pm but sadly passed away at 5.03am the following morning. For those of you that have been with us on our roller coaster journey, you'll know that the doctors had given us very little hope of survival. So for us to know she lived for those seven short hours was our little miracle.</p>
<p>We've been helped by some amazing people along the way and our eternal thanks go to the staff at St Mary's in Manchester, in particular Dr Jo Gillham. We really couldn't have got to the end without her support and expertise.</p>
<p>Whilst St Mary's is a fabulously funded hospital, there's one small charity who were there for us in the early days, The Arthrogryposis Group (TAG). Arthrogryposis is a condition that affects the limbs and this was something our little girl suffered from, one of the first signs we had that all may not have been well.</p>
<p>The Arthrogryposis Group fight for every pound they receive, so we hope that you and we can help them in our own small way... and in memory of our beautiful baby girl, Eirene.</p>
<p>Addi & Ady<br>x</p>