Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
What matters to me? Profound question as lots of things matter to me. However in the context of my fundraising and life it's Children . Their health and most importantly their happiness. A child's smile, laughter, and expression when they try something new, make a new friend, achieve an award, do their best and are rewarded for it, overcome their fears or shyness or stretch themselves emotionally or physically to join in. Is priceless for me.
Girlguiding promotes all of this and I am in awe of the exciting opportunities that are available to all girls. As a charitable organisation run by volunteers we need the support and donations from everyone out there.
It ensures that the girls are looked after and guided by leaders who are not just committed to providing the girls with a fantastic and varied programme of activities underpinned by the guiding promise and law.
But that they are appropriately vetted with DBS checks and trained in child protection, first aid and a full NVQ style training package which every guider does in their own time unpaid. This training which is mandatory does not come free. Fundraising is essential to achieve the excellent standards and opportunities we offer to our fabulous girls from 5 years old onwards.
Many thanks