ALREADY ONE WEEK LATER... 40 + 1/52 SOLAR ORBITS OLD. What a privilege it was to have you all there last weekend and thanks for all the lovely messages from those who couldn't make it. Including GIFT AID we are close to £11,000 - not bad. Here is a link to some of the photo's from the evening.
<a href="">JK-Party-Photos</a>
Sam Churchill was the awesome photographer on the night... Please see some of his other awesome work....
<a href="">Sam Churchill's Photo Page on Facebook</a>
Peace and love,
jk x
Hello. A few years ago, my wife was diagnosed with endometrial and ovarian cancer at the young age of 35 whilst working out why she could not get pregnant - our lives were turned upside down. We found there was little information, research or guidance around young women's gynaecological cancers and how it can end your fertility. Today, she is cancer-free and we have lots to be grateful for, and a daughter! I wanted to celebrate this whilst completeing my 40th orbit round the Sun.
So, we decided to fundraise for the Eve Appeal at my birthday party, held at London's Ham Yard Hotel. We had some fantastic auction items which my lovely friends all bid on. We are very proud to have raised over £10,000 on the night!
Please donate online here the amount you bid 'above the reserve' and all that money will go straight to the Eve Appeal charity and if you are a UK tax payer, the charity will receive an extra 25% through Gift Aid from HMRC!! (If there was a reserve amount you need to pay that directly to the organisation or person who offered the item for auction. You should all have a email about that already and how to contact them to claim your lot).