<p>Hi Everyone,</p>
<p>As part of Hyphen's "Make it Happen Day" the IBM team have decided to raise money for the IBMs UK Trust</p>
<p>With this being Olympic year and London growing ever more in anticipation we have decided to join in the fun and rasie as much money as possible for a very worthy cause!</p>
<p>The Challenge:</p>
<p>On Wednesday the 29th the IBM team will endeavour to collectively complete the distance of a full London marathon (26 Miles)</p>
<p>This will take place in a local gym over the course of the day where blood, sweat and tears will be shed all in the name of charity!</p>
<p>We have set an expectation of raising £250 which we feel is extremely achievable however will only happen with your help</p>
<p>So please dig deep and help us in any way you can!</p>
<p>Click on the link below and please give generously:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.justgiving.com/IBMTeamMarathon">www.justgiving.com/IBMTeamMarathon</a></p>