Tabitha's Toys was set up by a very close friend of mine after her daughter Tabitha, who had Edwards Syndrome, sadly died at the tender age of three. Not wanting any other family to go through such an experience alone, Jac set up Tabitha's Toys. This charity loans sensory toys and equipment to children predominantly in the NE England with complex needs. As you can imagine, the equipment is very specialised and expensive and that's why charities such as this, need our help and support. Shockingly the charity is only given a few places in charity events and this is why it is vital that we get your help because without it there is simply no other way of purchasing life changing equipment.
Few of us are lucky enough to become parents and we know the depths that we would go to for our children but there are extremely unlucky people who loose a child, which is heart- breaking. Tabitha's Toys aims to support families and provide equipment that is there to make a child's life just that little bit more enjoyable. So do something special today and donate to this wonderful charity. We greatly appreciate your love and support so spread the word!
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