Peter Thomas lived his life as a Christian dedicated to helping others. He was a "Dad" in every sense of the word and many people thought of him as their second father. In the months before he passed away he had the chance to speak to David Spurdle, Director of Kids Alive UK, and was very touched by the wonderful work the organisation does. I know my dad would have wanted me to start this memorial fund, knowing it could dramatically change the lives of precious children worldwide. Having my dad remembered in this way would have meant the world to him and means so much to all of us who had the privilege of knowing him and experiencing his kindness and open heart.
His Son, Mark Thomas
Our First Project in BurmaA loving, family environment for the children at the Siansiam Home. At the present time STAND BY ME is working in over 40 ministry sites throughout Burma providing 24 hour care for orphaned and abandoned children as well as providing day schools and day care centres. Over the past 10 year, STAND BY ME has endeavored to give the kids the best care by constructing toilets, kitchens and bathrooms, and where necessary, building new homes in which kids can grow healthily and with dignity. However, due to financial constraints, homes like the Siansiam home are renting bamboo huts with poor living conditions. The Siansiam Home, caring for 12 children is situated on the border of the restricted region of the Chin Hills. The area has little infrastructure, high unemployment and the poverty is extreme. Due to its tropical environment, the area is plagued with malaria and dengie fever in the rainy season, claiming many lives, most of whom are children. Due to persecution, sickness and poverty, the town has many abandoned and orphaned children. These children are in desperate need of a building fit for children. Any donations made to the Peter Thomas Memorial fund will be allocated towards a new family home for the Siansiam family in order to improve the facilities and quality of care.
Successfully Completed.
Our Second Project in Burma: Kalymyo Children's Village
Educational Needs for 1 year.
These children come from difficult backgrounds of poverty, abandonment and abuse, but now their futures can be secure and bright as they are able to attend the School in smart uniforms, feeling good about themselves and walking tall.
The use of the money raised will be to fund the education of all of the children in the KALAYMYO village, BURMA. The annual cost for all of the children to attend the School (travel, educational resources, pens, pencils, text books, exercise books, school uniform and umbrellas) is just under £3,000.
This project will be fundraised for through a SPARTAN SPRINT CHALLENGE event:
The backers are the STAND BY ME WARRIORS:Mark, Alan and Justin are
participating in the SPARTAN SPRINT CHALLENGE on the 30th of May. ‘Spartan
Sprint’ is an invigorating, heart pounding, adrenaline bursting, 15 crazy
obstacle event that will push them to their limits.