On the 28th of December my second grandson Finley was born, he was 3 weeks early and gave us all a surprise. when he was 6 days old he was admitted back to NDDH with Jaundice, he wasn't feeding properly, he was very limp and a little bit yellow. when he arrived the peadeatricians came and assessed him and took some blood tests from him to deter how jaundice he was and what treatment he would need , they assured us everything would be fine. When his blood results came back his billiruben levels were dangerously high and he was taken immediately from his parents and placed under special blue lights, when he was placed under the lights he took a turn for the worst and stopped breathing, his heart rate dropped so he was immediately vented to help him breath and he was placed under sedation doctors explained that because the billiruben levels are so high he could potentially have brain damage and would need to be scanned at a later date. my daughter and son in law were then transferred to Bristol children's hospital were Finley was placed in intensive care with a nurse by his side 24 hours. From previous tests they discovered that Finley had contracted sepsis which was very serious, but they had already started treating him for that at NDDH and he was responding well to the antibiotics. Over the next 48 hours it was a waiting game to get to the bottom of what had caused this and to get him off the ventilator. It took him a few days but then once he started getting better there was no stopping him. When he was in ICU they done lumbar puncture to test him for meningitis which came back with a positive result, again luckily for Finley and us all,NDDH had already started him on treatment for that as well and we were assured that Finley was going to make a good recovering but would need regular checks. They then scanned his brain and found no brain damage and then scanned his heart and found no damage here either (scepsis shuts down organs slowly so they all needed to be checked) THaNK THE LORD. After 4 days Finley was transferred back to NDDH and was then discharged 2 days later. The rate of his recovery was unbelievable but without the fantastic work of the staff at both hospitals we dread to think what the outcome could have been looking at him now you wouldn't believe he had been ill and he has now been discharged of any further appointments.
I'm not just raising money because Finley was poorly I know many other children that have stayed in these hospitals and some probably owe their life to the doctors and nurses there and I would just like to say a big thank you