Earlier this year I lost my 20 year old cousin Balraj to the rare paediatric cancer Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS). Throughout the year where he battled his cancer, Balraj showed immense strength, courage and positivity. Despite the best efforts of the Royal Marsden, various courses of chemo, radiotherapy and invasive surgery, nothing more could be done for Balraj. When Balraj discovered that there were no more options for treatment nor cure, he made it his wish that after his death his family pursue research into RMS for other children and teenagers with the illness.
Whilst this has been an incredibly difficult and life-changing year for our family, we owe it to Balraj to follow through with his wishes. Costs of research at the Paediatric Drug Development Unit at the Royal Marsden are around £300,000 over the next three years and Cancer Research UK have pledged 50% of this amount. Any donations people can make towards the remaining £150,000 will make a huge difference into hopefully altering the treatments available for other people suffering with such a devastating illness.
I will be running the Richmond Half Marathon on Sunday 21st September in order to raise funds for RMS research. For any of you who know me, you'll know that running/sport are not my strong points! I'm not promising to do it quickly but after months of getting lost in parks in London and very many blisters, I am hoping to complete the 21.3 km in some semi-respectable time.
If you knew Bal, you knew what a loving and generous person he was. Whilst he is no longer with us, I hope his memory will live on in those around him. Any amount donated to this project means a great deal to me and my family, so thank you!