<p>The four of us will be riding for four days and over 450Km in hilly Scotland this June. We are fortunate as the few nights spent in a tent during this ride will be considered by us as 'roughing it'. Whereas there are people that live on the streets, with little food or warmth when winter comes. These people have a very different defenition of 'roughing it'. This is where NOAH comes in.</p>
<p>Initially they work to meet the basic needs of the people they come accross; for example, each year NOAH set up emergency winter shelters when temperatures drop below freezing to ensure the safety of the homeless. However, NOAH also look to the future and help to re-intergrate people into society, with everything from employing the homeless at NOAH's own workshop, to getting them to contribute to musical performances put on for the general public.</p>
<p><span>NOAH do some great work and it all goes to support the community here in Luton. Please give generously, and don't forget to gift aid it!</span></p>