Hi! My name is Aaron and I've always loved a little fancy dress. One day I joked that I liked it so much I should do it full time. A friend suggested that I should and raise money for charity at the same time. As I was also trying to think of a way to raise money for MindOut, "My Costume Drama" was born.
The challenge is to wear nothing but fancy dress for a whole year. Sounds simple, right? I thought so too, but think of everything you do in a year... work, shopping, a holiday, perhaps even a wedding or a job interview? Still sound easy? Perhaps not so much, but that's what I have now signed up for and that is what I shall do.
I am raising money for MindOut, which is a mental health service run by and for LGBTQ people. They provide advice and information, advocacy, a peer support group programme, well-being activities and events, a peer mentoring service, and out of hours chat service and a food and allotment project. They are based in Brighton and work all over the country.
If you wish to help then please click the donate button. I have a large target to hit so we can really make a difference and every penny really does help. (And please don't forget to gift aid if you are eligible!)
Finally, if you are planning your own costume drama then please visit <a href="www.joke.co.uk">Jokers' Masquerade</a> who have donated costumes!