Dear All - On Mothers' Day in England, earlier this month, I wondered how best to say my goodbyes to my own Mother, Anne, as she lay still and unconscious in a hospital bed in the Hurstwood Park neurology intensive care unit. A fit, vital, martial arts practicing woman, she had been found collapsed with a massive cerebral haemorrhage a few days before. The doctors, trying to break the news, said the outlook was "at best very grim". I was sure I would never see her alive again. Today, astonishingly, she has "turned a corner" and may, we hope, be on her way to some sort of recovery. Hurstwood Park neurology ICU is in Haywards Heath, a small town South of London. It is the only operating neurological hospital in South East England. On first look, walking into the small building you see here at left, you might think it a rather lowly little place. Blue linoleum covers the floors, while in the small waiting room a television flickers and some puzzles, games and a couple of teddy bears are piled neatly on a table. And yet, it was not only just these very mundane physical things which gave the place its warmth: as I waited, I saw through the window that outside, someone had planted an exquisite, pretty little garden full of yellow, nodding daffodils. I understood that here there was humanity and compassion and it felt almost palpable. When I finally got to see my mother, I was completely stunned by the kindness shown me there, especially by the ICU nurses who greeted me by name and then stood with me so very, very patiently by the bed as I stared at my mother with either nothing to say or full of probably quite stupid questions. One nurse asked if I had any photos of her from before that they could see. I am certain it is this above-and-beyond attitude that has so far saved my Mother's life. I would not have believed this level of care and commitment existed outside of rather nostalgically portrayed hospitals in WWII movies - and yet it does. I left Hurstwood Park every single day trying to think of something, anything, that, I and all of you who have so consistently offered support and help, could do for this place. And here it is: Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to give money to the League Of Friends at Hurstwood Park Neurological Centre. (If you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.) Please make a donation of whatever you can spare. It has become such a cliche to state, "No amount is too small" - but I have realised it's absolutely true. Many, many thanks for your support. S. K. H.