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Please DO NOT use this JustGiving site to renew your membership subscription for 2017-8. Please renew using the NEW InSiGHT website. This site is now for donations only.
InSiGHT Registered charity number 1139700
"This donation is towards building the new InSiGHT website, which will help us to share our knowledge throughout the world."
Kay Neale donated
£250.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"InSiGHT Membership 2016/2017 Karl Heinimann"
Karl Heinimann donated
"Registration Fee."
Anonymous donated
£25.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Balance FAPA membership"
"Membership and familial Cancer subscription"
Sagal Shire donated
"Membership FAPA Belgium"
Myriam Renson donated
€60.00 + €0.00 Gift Aid