Jazak Allahu Khiar for visiting Islam21c's 2013 JustGiving page, a project of MRDF under the direct supervision of Sheikh (Dr) Haitham al Haddad.
This online project relies soley on donations to cover it's operating costs for each year that passes by. By the grace of Allah and your generosity we we able to rasie £8575 in 2012 (although we started late) which kept the site and it's projects on track for business as usual.
This year we are facing the same predicaments and again need to make an appeal to all our readers, commenters, supports, volunteers and well wishers.
You are already aware of the key role this site plays in providing guidence and solutions to 100,000's of Muslims in the West and all over the world.
Alhamdullilah we have set even more adventurous goals for 2013 for which every penny of your donation will count towards helping. And remember everything Islam21c produces if for FREE use hence why your donations are so important.
Here are some examples of the interactive projects due for release in 2013;
-A new/fresh Islam21c website
-More quality articles every week
-Professional filmed/edited learning videos
-The 2nd interactive Fiqh eMag on Islamic Finance
-Ecourses on Tafseer of Quran
-Interactive Timeline of the lives of the 4 Khulafaa (RA)
And a whole lot more which your donations will be used for.
So please dig deep and donate now. ways you can help;
1) Make dua this project grows and Allah puts barakah in it.
2) Donate as much as you can on this page
3) Help us reach 100 regular standing orders, click here
4) forward this page to your facebook, email contacts, everywhere you can.
5) find just 2 more people to make a donation to us.
May Allah Bless you and accept this good deed from you.
Jazak Allahu Khair
Islam21c Admin