Jacob Rhys While (aka Junior) was born on 17th May 2015. He arrived 9 weeks early weighing 4lb 3oz.
Jacob spent the first 5 weeks of his life in Russell's Hall Neo-natal Unit where he was given amazing treatment and care which will never be forgotten. The love, care and time the neo-natal nurses devote to all the poorly babies is truly great.
While sitting by Jacob in these first 5 weeks of his life wishing and praying for him to get better and improve, one of the promises I made was to do something to raise money for the Neo-natal Unit. So here I am!
Starting as one, soon became three as Mark and Hannah joined in and a team was created, but that was not the end. Following a pre Christmas dinner and a few glasses of wine the team became a strong six with Rachel, Katy and Andres all signing up.
Please everybody support us with Tough Mudder 2016 and help us hit our target for Neo-natal Unit, Russell's Hall, Dudley.
Happy training guys x x x