<p>JHS Solar Solutions are taking part in Solar Aid's Hot 100 to raise a minimum of £1000 by January 2012.</p>
<p>The staff at JHS Solar Solutions are taking part in a 10km night walk on the 11th November, as well as throwing a raffle for Banbury Businesses and an entertainment night with plenty of music and dancing!</p>
<p>If you would like to support our efforts, we would appreciate it. If you would like to know more about our efforts please call us on 08453024779 or email us at solar@jhssolarsolutions.co.uk</p>
<p>SolarAid is a small charity making a big difference. It fights poverty and climate change together with solar power. Barely 2% of rural Africa has access to the grid yet many regions of Africa have the highest levels of sunshine in the world. SolarAid's approach is simple and affective; working with remote and disadvantaged communitites, helping them tap into an abundant source of free, clean and renewable energy - the sun!</p>
<p>SolarAid's work involves installing solar systems on schools, clinics and community centres in South and Eastern Africa. They also help people to set up businesses, offering sales and marketing training and enabling them to use solar energy as a means of generating a sustainable income.</p>
<p>We have decided to join in this fight against two of the most pressing issues facing us today - poverty and climate change. So, we have signed up to SolarAid's Hot 100 Challenge. We have pledged to raise £1000 through our 10km night walk which took place on the 11th November, which we completed in less than 2 hours (despite the wind and rain!)</p>
<p>We are finishing our fundraising with an entertainment evening to be held at Also Known As, Parsons Street, Banbury on the 18th December 2011 at 7pm. This entertainment evening will be full to the brim of musical talents and raffle prizes!</p>
<p>All of your continued support and donations are appreciated!</p>