In February 2015 my beautiful family got turned upside down when my gorgeous nephew Oscar got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes aged 6. Oscars strength and ability to adapt to such a life changing and permanent condition has inspired me to do something completely out of my comfort zone.
On a Daily basis Oscar injects himself with insulin 4 times a day and has his blood sugars tested around 10 times a day! Having the constant worry of the damage high blood sugars is doing to his tiny body or the stress of him dropping into a diabetic coma with such low bloods sugars, is constantly on my families mind. Oscars mum, dad and sister have been so strong adapting their whole family life to make sure Oscars needs are met to the best of their ability, and doing an outstanding job. As a family we are stronger and closer than ever and will continue to be.
For this reason i am going to try and complete a triathlon to raise money for the local Pediatric Diabetic department. This money will be used for all our local children that have been diagnosed with diabetes, trying to improve their lives and create small elements of normality that we take for granted.
Unfortunately i am no good at swimming, running or biking!!!!! this is going to be a big challenge but one i will give everything i have got to, in order to raise as much money as i can for all the children who should be an inspiration to us all!
Thank you in advance for all your support xxxx