<p>In memory and lasting legacy of my beautiful son Joseph. If you never had the honour of meeting him, then let me assure you he was the most precious, handsome and brave little man you could ever meet. Joseph (meaning: 'God gave us this son') Elisha (meaning: 'God saves') had just one week with his family at home before spending the final five weeks of his life in the Evelina children's hospital and Great Ormond street. The majority of his time was at the Evelina where he was treated with such incredible care, thoughtfulness and consideration that as I write this I well up in gratitude for the doctors and nurses who cared for Joseph, to use their own words, like he was indeed their own child. Joseph was so blessed to have this incredible team of mothers and fathers to attend to his every whim. As parents, we were treated like family and were able to continue to nurture our son like he was still at home with us. I never knew that such devoted and loving people existed until now, but I'm eternally grateful that they do and that they chose to give their lives to such an incredible calling of caring for children and babies when they need it most. Your money is truly going to one of the greatest causes that exists, and we are hugely indebted to you for any amount that you give. God bless you, Dave, Jo, Izzy and Benji.</p>