Julie and Topsy both grew up with music. Julie's Dad, Robin, was a wonderful violin player, and, from a young age, she often went to sleep with the sound of a string quartet playing in the living room. She also played the violin, and she's been singing in choirs for years.
Topsy has played the piano since childhood, and all her family Hogmanays involved singing and making music. Topsy's mum, Mamie, sang all her life, in a husky contralto which could harmonise instantly to any song, on any occasion. In the last few years of her life, when Alzhheimers robbed her of so much, it was never able to take away her music. Music brought her back.
After Mamie died, Topsy's sister, Sally, set up a charity called Playlist for Life, which helps families and caregivers to create, on an iPod, a playlist of personally meaningful music for people with dementia. To find out the impact that this can have, please watch some of the videos here, especially Harry and Margaret's story:
To celebrate our marriage, we would be delighted if you would like to make a donation to Playlist for Life. That would be the best wedding present we could have.
Thank you very much.