I am doing a fire walk on Friday 9th May in aid of my amazing Nephew Max to try and get him to Miami for treatment. There are not many people I would walk on fire for but this auntie is willing to do anything to help get Max the treatment he so desperately needs.
Please dig deep and give anything you can, every little helps. If you are not able to sponsor me please spread the word about Max to Miami, the more people that know about Max's fight the closer we will get to the target needed x
Max is just 13 years old and suffers from a form of epilepsy called Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. He was just living a normal happy go lucky life as a 4 year old when he had his first seizure in 2004, his and his family’s lives changed literally overnight. Max now has to have constant supervision at all times, so can’t even have the luxury of going to the toilet himself, in case he takes a seizure and hurts himself.
We are raising funds to send him to a world renowned specialist based at Miami Children’s Hospital in pediatric neurology to stabilize him and either worst case scenario cut down on the amount of seizure’s, if not eradicate them completely. Any help in fundraising towards achieving this goal is very much appreciated.
The goals of treatment for patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) are the same as for all patients with epilepsy: the best quality of life with the fewest seizures (ideally, none), the fewest adverse treatment effects, and the least number of medications. His parents are desperate for these things to happen as well as to increase his life expectancy, his quality of life and to give him some independence as he has none whatsoever at present.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you could pass on the news of what we are trying to achieve we would greatly appreciate this.