I was given £10. I have to invest that £10 and make more.
so what did I do?
I went and bought some goggles for myself, perfect!
but now I have to give the £10 back. So I am going to do a sponsered swim to raise the money. The brilliant thing is you get to decide how far I swim....
The more you donate, the more I swim.
64 lengths of The Prince Regent in Brighton is a mile and I have never swam more than 40lengths.
So If I get £32 I shall swimm 64lengths.
If I get £50 I shall swim 100 lengths.
If I get £150 I shall swim 300 lengths. ahahaha PLEASE DONT DONATE! e.t.c. even if your give me £250 I shall then swim 500 lengths. I will have to say though that I shall cap my swimming at 1000 lenghts ahaha. as the money spent reparing me will be more than that raised. But basically the more you give the more pain you put me through but the more I raise.
I am raising money for Safehaven the soup kitchen for the homeless which runs everysaturday at StPeters Church and other charitable things they do.
my pain day shall be Tuesday the 5TH OF JUNE.