A team of 60 runners from all over the Borders have started training for the Edinburgh Marathon to raise many thousands of pounds for The Margaret Kerr Appeal – a campaign for a specialist care unit at Borders General Hospital.
Aged from 18 to over 50, the team will run relays to complete the course, knocking up a total of around 400 miles (the equivalent of running from Melrose to London!) Teams of four runners will each run a leg of the marathon with the so-called final "glory leg" coming in at 4.5 miles. The group have been holding special training nights to get everyone through the gruelling event.
A range of other fund raising events will also be organised including a Six Nations extravaganza, golf day, coffee mornings and other social events. For more details please contact Jeremy Brett on 01896 822520 or
Please help us to help this hugely worthwhile cause.