‘Not everyone gets to see Africa’ is an initiative to share the experiences of Nick and Claire Marr as they travel through Africa with those who have a visual impairment and others who may never get to see Africa. It will also raise awareness and funds towards the work of Henshaws Society for Blind People whose service users will able to get a regular update on the progress and what they see.
Henshaws is Manchester’s oldest charity and the trip will start from Manchester and finish in Cape Town in South Africa. Nick is The Chief Executive of Henshaws and his wife Claire is an author, journalist and magazine editor. Starting in January 2014, this journey will take four months and will be narrated by podcasts made by Claire, available through the internet, that will not only update people on the progress of the trip but also give those that have a visual impairment a taste of what can be seen in Africa.
Nick is taking an unpaid sabbatical from his post, which he’s been at for five and half years and Claire will be writing about their travels. Their sixteen-year-old Toyota Landcruiser has been specially prepared for the challenges ahead including the fitting of a safari roof tent, cooker and fridge that means that Nick and Claire will be able to travel independently and sleep on the roof of the vehicle.
Their travels will start in Egypt and follow the Nile south, through the deserts of Sudan, then into the highlands of Ethiopia. In Kenyan and Tanzania they will travel through a number of big game reserves before moving into Malawi and Zambia. Revisiting one of their favourite places Botswana, Nick and Claire will then head west through the Namibian desert to the Skeleton Coast and finally head south to Cape Town in South Africa.
All expedition costs are covered and all funds raised will go directly to supporting the work of Henshaws Society for Blind People.