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This year, the Newcastle branch are taking part in various activities to raise funds in order to support two main causes:
1. Sickle Cell Research
There are 150,000 children born every year with Sickle Cell Disease in Nigeria; 14,000 in Ghana; 1,400 in the USA and 320 in the UK.
The technology to make the diagnosis from birth is now standard practice in the western world including Brazil but no single African country has implemented a full scale newborn screening (diagnosis at birth). Nigeria does not have newborn screening even though this is one of the most effective ways of educating families, empowering mothers to take care of their children and teach patients self-care.
OFNC is partnering with SCORE this year to advance Sickle Cell Research. SCORE's vision is a collaboration for world class research & to promote best practice in the diagnostics, therapy and management of Sickle cell disease.
2. Accomodation for Displaced Families (victims of Boko Haram)
OFNC is also raising money to build a 50 bed hostel on the International Christian Centre for Missions site in Benin city, Edo State, Nigeria for families displaced by Boko Haram.
Various activities have been done by members of the branch including a 5Km walk/run/jog around Saltwell Park in Gateshead which was a fun morning for all!
We would like to invite our members (both old and new), friends, families, supporters and well wishers to join us in being a blessing to others and support these 2 very worthy yet under supported causes. Thank you and May God bless you!