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Founded in 2011, Once Upon a Smile provide a source of support to parents that have lost a child or partner (and have young children), or children that have lost a parent or sibling. We currently provide 3 types of support: Financial Support Respite Breaks Children's Bereavement Support Groups
Once Upon A Smile Registered charity number 1143190
"From the Money Advice Group. We are happy to donate to you the profits from our bake off competition. "
Liz Woodward donated
£61.00 + £15.25 Gift Aid
"I do this for two reasons:1. I owe Danny Miller my life, and this is my poor/weak attempt to say thank you. 2.Putting smiles on faces of hurting people is what matters MOST! Thank you for doing this"
Terry (heartneverliez on twitter) donated
$120.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"A donation on behalf of Lucy Goldstone on her 19th birthday. For a beautiful girl and her beautiful family-Emma, James, Ollie and Louis. Love you all xxxxxx"
Sara, Jez, Eme & Etta Fixter donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"2 x Danny Miller goals plus win today at Southwick FC = £35. Top day! Cheers"
drpyromaniac donated
£35.00 + £8.75 Gift Aid
"Great cause. Love Danny as an actor & admire him for creating this charity xx"
Anonymous donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"I just learned of this amazing organisation, I never ended up buying that dress at the weekend, the money is far far better spent here. Keep up the good work lads, the world needs more people like you"
Sam Simon donated
£200.00 + £50.00 Gift Aid
Nichola Lloyd has raised $2,771.90 so far
I'm Manchester Half Marathon for Nichola Lloyd because In memory of Isaac Maley
Robron Birthday Project has raised $2,692.11 so far
Danny Millers Birthday
Ashley Allen has raised $2,221.86 so far
Leasing Options Pink Team
Benn Longshaw has raised $1,795.75 so far
I'm We're taking on the ultimate survival weekend for Benn Longshaw because we want to help raise money for this great charity
Danny Jillings has raised $1,763.95 so far
Sponsor a Christmas 2014
Sarah Sheppard has raised $1,730.03 so far
I'm We are taking part in the OUAS Survival event for Sarah Sheppard because we want to raise funds to help more families.