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Promise Dreams help to make dreams come true for seriously and terminally ill children, and their families, across the UK. Whatever the child's dream may be Promise Dreams are committed to help from birth to eighteen years old.
Promise Dreams Registered charity number 1086020
"20% donation from sales on the event night."
Deborah Mitchell donated
£320.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Good luck son"
Mum and dad donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"From Iain bate and Scott foster "
Anonymous donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"This money has been raised by the employees at Rigid Charta, for the boxing match on the 11/06/16 with Owen Ridgley in Taunton."
Stephanie Potter donated
£43.00 + £10.75 Gift Aid
"Cheers for that Deano !"
"I know it's not much but hope it helps. Merry Christmas kids x"
Harry & Teddy donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
Suresh Bawa has raised $29,259.64 so far
I'm We are trekking Kilimanjaro for Suresh Bawa because we want to help raise even more special smiles!
Robert Walsh has raised $13,348.53 so far
I'm Four Rounds, Four Countries, One Day for Robert Walsh because we want to raise funds for a very worthwhile cause
Joanne Newman has raised $8,289.19 so far
Joanne's page
Anil Sarpal has raised $4,514.83 so far
I'm donating my locks to Little Princesses, fundraiser for Anil Sarpal because They are amazing charities that are helping kids
Lorraine Ash and friends has raised $4,114.64 so far
Lorraine and The SpooksNights Team
Simon Sheldon-Wilson has raised $3,524.84 so far
Upside Down page