Rebecca was our beautiful little girl who died of TB meningitis in 2009 at Robin House.
She loved music and to DANCE!
This page is to collect money to allow children who attend Robin House to go to gigs and concerts with carers, in memory of a wee girl who didn't get the chance to.
So far kids have been able to get to lots of different fantastic shows, including:
Shaun the Sheep
High School Musical
The Wanted
American Idiot: The Musical
Mickey's Magic Music Show
The Singing Kettle
Girls Aloud
Soooo many Christmas Pantos
T in the Park
In The Night Garden
Nickelback (!)
Clyde Live
One Directions
Without your donations these trips would simply not have happened.
This page has been set up so that if you want to give a small amount each year you can - or if you are running/walking/selling/cycling for charity, you can use this page for your sponsorship too. If you can spare a few pennies, it goes to a great cause! We're not looking to raise a fortune - just enough for a few families to make some special memories every year.
We've been overwhelmed by what people have managed to do so far - from triathalons to bake sales, cook books to marathons, every penny is hugely appreciated by us and the team at Robin House.
People who have made an amazing effort so far include
The Palliative Care Team at the Beatson and GRI
Staff and kids from Nightingales nursery (Rebecca's old nursery - never forgotten)
Hazeldene Nursery
Paul and Maggie Henderson
Surinder and Emma Pampher
Lynne Beattie
Uncle Stewie (Ran a triathalon and raised over £3000!)
St John's Renfield Craft Group
Davey Waddell
Uncle Luke (a TUFF MUDDER!)
Plus so many donations along the way from friends and family (see the list on this page) - we're now well over £13,000!
Feel free to add more!
We are so grateful to everyone who has helped out - running 10k (and further), recording CDs, organising sales and selling their dignity! If you want to join in, feel free to use the logo, link and text numbers on this page! (Text ADLK86 £10 to 70070)
If you want to be kept updated of where the cash goes and what CHAS do with it, email to be added to the mailing list.
Alistair, Andrea, Samantha, Hamish and Jacob