<p>On the Tuesday 29th November my wife was admitted to the labour suite to be induced as she was ten days overdue. The first part of the labour was quite normal. Long, painful, but nevertheless, normal. It was only at 9pm on Wednesday the 30th that we realised that things were no longer "normal". It was eventually decided that my wife would need to have a caesarean. Events then seemed to speed up and stand still all at the same time. It very quickly turned in to an emergency caesarean.</p>
<p>The Team was assembled, My wife was made ready and i just stood there watching, helpless. All my faith was in the medical team. What choice did we have? The incision was made, the doctors hands went in, searching for a little life. I stood there watching, time stood still. The baby was stuck. Now what? The atmosphere changed, there was a new sense of urgency. The baby NEEDED to come out!! Then there she was, my beautiful little girl. She was perfect......wait...... something's wrong. There's no crying, There's no breathing, there's no life. A even greater sense of urgency. Another medical team to make my little girl live...please let her live!! They worked tirelessly for what seemed like an eternity, they didn't pause, they never gave up. They did it!!!! My little girl was breathing, but not out of the woods. Tubes, needles, monitors, drips, into an incubator and straight off to Special Baby Care Unit. I was confused, worried and concerned. My wife was shattered and traumatised. Neither of us knew what to say, we just looked at each other and cried. </p>
<p>Then we got to Margate Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU). From the moment we arrived there was a sense of calmness, a sense of caring and they gave us the belief that our little girl was going to be O.K. For 7 days they nurses and doctors of SCBU provided the best care I could ever hope for, to my daughter and for my wife. I got the occasional cup of tea too!.</p>
<p>My Daughter is now a perfectly normal and healthy 6 year old.</p>
<p>Now its my time to help SCBU. Please help me raise £25000 to buy this lifesaving piece of equipment for the Ward.</p>
<p>So please dig deep and donate now.</p>