In 2008, Riding Lights was successful in raising the funds to enable five young people and a teacher from the Bethlehem area to travel to the UK to participate in our Summer Theatre School. We would very much like to do this again this year but we need to raise £5,000 to cover the costs of travel and accommodation.
To make this trip happen we will be working with our regular partners, Lightline Pilgrimages in the UK, Shepherd’s Travel in Jerusalem and FM Tours in Jordan, who will all be providing their services at cost.
The reason we need to involve a tour company in Jordan is that because those travelling will be West Bank residents they are unable to fly out of Israel. They must therefore travel by land into Jordan so that they can fly from Amman. Given the travel restrictions and difficulties they face, particularly travelling across the border at the River Jordan, it is necessary to provide an overnight stay in Amman before their flight to London and again when they return.
To find the young people who will join us in York, we will once again be working with our friends at Al Harah Theatre Company in Beit Jala, adjacent to Bethlehem, and we hope to raise sufficient funds for four of them to travel together with an adult theatre practitioner from Al Harah.
This sort of interaction between Riding Lights and Al Harah is very special and when we last co-operated in this way it was enormously rewarding for all involved. In addition to the Summer School we were able to take the group to London for a few days during which we took them to see ‘The Lion King’ in the West End as well as showing them the sights.
"Al Harah Theatre Company in Palestine values its long term partnership with Riding Lights which enabled students from here to visit their Summer School in 2008. This was a great experience for the kids and enabled them to be alongside so many other people dedicated to making theatre happen. It was a visit that offered great opportunities for learning new skills and confidence. It was a life changing experience for the young people who are now at University. It was also terrific for them to be able to see something of the UK and, most of all, to have some fun away from the difficulties we so often face here in Palestine. We are very encouraged that Riding Lights is hoping to make this happen for some more young people from Palestine and our thanks go to everyone who helps make this 2014 trip possible through the generosity of their donations."
Marina Barham, Director, Al Harah Theatre Company, Beit Jala, Palestine
Coinciding with the 100 anniversary of the commencement of World War One, our theme for the 2014 Summer School is ‘Peace…break it or keep it.'