Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
The current situation in Syria is dire! Our brothers, sisters and children in Islam and humanity are living in conditions that we cannot even comprehend. They are sleeping in tents whilst tempertures are subzero. Many only have slippers as footwear whereas others walk with bare feet. Others have no family around them as they have been killed mercilessly.
We are blessed with cupboards and fridges full of food and yet we can still afford to go out and eat. We are blessed with wardrobes full of clothes and yet we can still afford to buy clothes that are worn only on specific occasions. We are blessed with family and friends and yet don't appreciate their company. We are blessed to an extent that we no longer see our blessings as blessings. However, what we take for granted, others pray for.
Whilst Allah tests our brothers and sisters in Syria in ways that we can barely comprehend, Allah is also testing us. He has drwoned us in His bounties. However, all of our wealth is wealth that we will be held accountable for. How will we account for our wealth that is spent without the goal of pleasing Allah Ta'ala? This is our chance to make a difference to the conditions that our brothers, sisters and children are facing daily.
The goal is to raise £10,000 to pay for a truck full of flour that will feed 4000 Syrian people bread for a whole month. Bread is part of the staple diet of Syrians. Many bread factories have been bombed, Our ummah is starving to death.
£10 will feed 4 people bread for a whole month.
£50 will feed 20 people bread for a whole month
£100 will feed 40 people bread for a whole month
Donate whatever possible, no amount is too small!!
Let us take this opportunity to thank Allah Ta'ala for all that he has blessed us with, ask for forgiveness for our ingratitide and make a sincere intention to help our brothers, sisters and children in need.
JazakhAllahu khaira