This October, Lisa, Fraser and Matthew will be tackling the Royal Parks Half Marathon, pushing our legs and bodies to carry us the 13.1 miles. Please be generous with your donations - your kindness will ease our pain and help support the charity Teach First.
So why fundraise for Teach First? We are motivated by the focus of Teach First, to end educational inequality in the UK. In the UK, the link between your socio-economic background and poor educational attainment is greater than in almost any other developed country.
· At the age of 5 children living in poverty have reading skills which are already 2 years behind those of children from more affluent backgrounds.
· At GCSE time they have only a 35% chance of getting 5 A*-C grades, compared to the 62% for children from more affluent backgrounds.
· If lucky enough to get good grades, children from poor homes are still seven times less likely to go to one of the UK's leading universities.
This is not right, fair or justifiable, so we ask for you to help us with our goal.